Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 3 - Grand Canyon National Park

We headed south towards the Grand Canyon on June 8th.  Stopping to gas up in the small town of Marysvale, just south of Big Rock Candy Mountain, we saw this sign:

Catfish Ain't Ugly

It became the saying of the weekend, always said in a funny accent.  It didn’t make much sense, but we found it hilarious…saying it at the strangest times, it always made us crack up.

We’ve found that driving these long distances with the kids, one who ALWAYS has to go potty, generally adds about an hour of stopping to each 4 hours of driving. 

Our big stop this day was in Kanab, UT.  This small desert town reminded us of Moab, only smaller.  We stopped to picnic at their beautiful City Park.  The boys were thrilled to find a huge playground, much of it in the shade, AND fountains to play in!  What a welcome cool-down break mid-day!

As we continued on to the North Rim, the children slept while we drove through huge stands of forests that had been decimated by fire within the last several years.  Tall, empty, black tree remains stood tall over a greening forest floor. 

This reminded us of the High Park Fire near Fort Collins last year at this time.  We thought about how the burn area will be trying to heal and regrow and how long it might take before the area looks the same as before the fire.  We said a silent prayer hoping for no wildfires near us this season.

Finally, we had made it to the North Rim!  We were greeted by a herd of, what we were to later learn were, “beefalo!”  Years and years ago, some young agricultural entrepreneur brought a buffalo to the North Rim to breed with beef cattle to produce a hardy, high quality meat source.  Things didn’t pan out quite the way he envisioned, though, and the National Park Service eventually took over the care and protection of the new “beefalo” offspring.

Checking into the North Rim Campground, we found our BEAUTIFUL site in the Tent Only Loop - #7.  It was gorgeous, spacious, and quiet.  Even the bathrooms were clean and close!

We quickly set up camp so that we could continue on about 100 yards to THE EDGE to check out THE VIEW! 

We were amazed, in awe, and couldn’t help grinning ear to ear to see that grand beauty.  THAT is the true meaning of AWESOME!  We are glad to have gotten some wonderful pictures, but NOTHING could communicate the beauty and size of what we experienced personally.

We enjoyed two beautiful sunsets on that cliff; Dan was lucky enough to see a sunrise, as well! 

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