Monday, May 27, 2013

MeadowGrass 2013

What a start to our Summer of Adventure 2013!

MeadowGrass was beautiful, relaxing, family-friendly camping with awesome music, yummy food, and local beer!  We arrived after dinner on Friday night and hurried to set up camp and get down to the music before the headliner.  We made it just in time to see Blitzen Trapper!  The boys were so excited to be there, they had no trouble staying up and dancing in the dark!  

The boys both slept well in their new Marmot sleeping bags (got an incredible deal from Sierra Trading Post!) and I was, again, reminded to bring more warm layers for myself!  (I always forget that when packing on a hot day...)  Saturday morning we woke early and ate oatmeal with home canned Hotchkiss peaches.  Yum!  That warmed us up!

After breakfast, we headed back to the big tent for more music and fun!  We spent the weekend with cousin Scott and a couple of his friends.  There was even a (rare) appearance by cousin John!  ;) 

Scott, Dan, John
We saw some talented musical acts - some familiar, like Hot Club of Cowtown and Dawes, and some new, like Kirstin Hersh and Joe Pug.

Hot Club of Cowtown
Aidan got really into it all and saved us a front row spot for Dawes!
Aidan tried out a little independence by checking out the vendors solo, getting sample cups of lemonade, hanging out in the bubble area, watching people get their faces painted, and finding kids his own age to play with.  (I don't think he knew we could see him in his bright tie-dyed shirt almost anywhere he went.)  It was a good experience for him - and he got to be a pretty good hula-hooper in the meantime!

Aidan's also THRILLED about his new flat-billed Broncos hat.  Dad?  Not so much.
Ryder took a much-needed nap Saturday afternoon - through an entire set of music!  Then, Sunday, fell asleep around 7 or 8 p.m. and slept a full 12 hours; sleeping through most of the headlining act, adding warm clothes as it got colder, and a bumpy stroller ride back to the tent!  He danced and played 'til he was exhausted!  One of his favorite moments was playing frisbee with Scott in the forest - the other was, probably, eating a GIGANTIC bullet pop!

So tired he would sleep anywhere!
That thing's half as big as him!
Sunday morning brought blueberry pancakes and sausage and much appreciated showers!  We also made several trips to and from our campsite - most to let the boys "try" to go to the flush potty, only to find they "couldn't go" once we got there.  They were troopers, though, and played and walked a TON throughout the weekend!  Just another beautiful sunny day in the mountains!

I was thrilled to finally be doing something as a family that I have been dreaming about since BlissFest - camping, dancing, listening to live music with two big boys who are old enough to feed themselves, go to the bathroom in a port-a-potty (or on a tree, if necessary!), and walk (mostly) unassisted!  I like being the mother of "big kids!" What an awesome weekend!  Already looking forward to MeadowGrass 2014!

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